1x10: HTCC


1. Can you introduce yourself and let our readers know a little bit about HTCC?

HTCC are a bunch of (cough) ‘racers’ based in the Scottish Borders. Our directeur sportif/CX Guru, Graeme Scott runs Happy Trails bike workshop in Galashiels. The collective has grown from here over the last 5 years or so. 

2. How long have HTCC been involved in cyclocross?

We are relative newbies to the SCX scene, although most of us have been cycling in various guises for a number of years. Graeme was the first of us to race CX and was initiated at the inaugural Dig In. Most of us have been racing CX for the last 3–4 years. 

3. What got you into the sport in the first place?

It’s pretty much Graeme’s fault. He harassed susceptible looking workshop punters into joining his CX endeavours. The cross curious ones took the bait and have been hooked since. Why Graeme started, no one knows. 

4. Can you remember the first CX race you went to, and how did it go?

For most of us the experience was pretty rough! Comments included ‘nausea’, ‘clueless’, ‘going backwards’, ‘why is everyone going so fast??’ and ‘I wasn’t last’. We like to think we have got a bit better since. 

5. What’s the craziest thing you have seen at a cross race?

A hazy recollection of someone in flesh coloured pants, taking all the whisky shortcuts at Aberdour one year. Who was that??

6. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done at a race, on or off a bike

Gordon Dalglish gets the honours for this one. Getting tangled in the tape on the finishing straight at Lochore. The commentator didn’t take it easy on him either. 

7. Do you have a favourite course, either to ride or spectate?

This one caused quite a lot of debate as there’s so many great courses on the SCX calendar. Our overall favourite went to Irvine - fast, got flow and one spectacular setting. 

8. Are there any riders you particularly admire?

Riders that turn up week in week out, show loads of enthusiasm and give something back to the SCX community. Paul Davies, ‘big’ Eric, Jane Sargent and Campbell Thomson to name a few! 

9. Any particular highlights from last season?

We had a big team day out for the last Dig in. Heckling riders from Mexican Corner was a total blast. Hope they enjoyed it half as much as we did. Was great to get on the podium for best team support (our only podium spot so far…) 

10 Finally, what are you looking forward to most this season?

Undoubtedly putting on our first race, Tweed Cross. Tweedbank Park is our training ground, so we have some well drilled lines. We’ve been raking the woodland floor too and unearthing some more natural trails. There’s loads of lumps and natural features to keep it interesting. We have a course promo video on the Tweed Cross Facebook page for your perusal. 

Finally a big thanks to our sponsors. Tempest Brewery, Fairbain Studs, Imprint Grips, Scotrail, and Orbea Bikes.


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1x10: Dave Duggan