AGM Minutes 2015

Minutes of the Scottish Cyclocross Association AGM 15th March 2015 

Committee Present:

Ainsley Turbitt, Jac Marquis, James McCallum


Mark Young, Dave Hamill, Andrew Bell, John McComisky, Gordon Watt, Paul Davies, Fiona Walker, John Myerscough, Jim Murray


Davie Graham, Martin Steele, Steven Turbitt, James Melville, Jammy Johnstone, David Mason

Agenda items discussed:


John has stepped down. No other changes to committee at this time.

Secretary’s report:

Apologies for so few of the committee being present. Last season continued to build on previous with increased numbers and good racing throughout. Highlight of the season was the understanding of everyone over the incident with Jammy at the champs. It’s unfortunate that Auchentoshan is missing this year but hopefully with the proliferation of non-series races we can have a good season from September through to February. Anyone considering organising a race should contact Davie to try to avoid clashes.

Provisional series calendar for 2015 season:

October 11th Callendar Park
October 25 Knockburn Loch
November 8th Strathclyde Park
November 22nd Lochore Meadows
December 6th Irvine: champs and series races
December 12th Cross at the Castle, Mull

Financial report:

The 2014 season finished in the green but only by £230 - largely due to the success of selling SCX merchandise. Staying out of the red in future depends on sustaining rider numbers. Series race organisers pay a small levy of £1.20 to SCX for each adult rider. SCX in turn help cover the cost of timing chips currently £1 per rider. In future SCX may have to review the levy – this would require a new levy form to be produced.

Committee suggest adult pre event entry to stay at £14 but entry on the day should be raised significantly to further encourage pre entry which helps organisers.

An attendee suggested racers would be likely to accept a higher entry fee (to £15) on the understanding that the extra was to go directly to SCX for the specific purpose of enhancing SCX with more and better events.

An attendee suggested that SCX should communicate the SCX aspiration for sustaining and growing the sport and the need for funds to do that.

It was suggested that although some events would be running at breakeven, others have a surplus and they may want to invest in SCX future.


To be put out to tender as it is each year.

Format of the SCX series:

An attendee suggested that having separate kids races should be considered, pointing out that it would be easier for organisers to put on adult events if they were separate.

Committee confirmed that the 2015 season will have the same format as last season. Same race categories and run under Scottish Cycling.

Committee explained they consider it important to have the kids races as they were important for the future of the sport and encourage parents to race too.

Concern was raised at the lack of current series venues and the reluctance of non-series organisers to consider running a series race due to the extra work involved conformed to SC rules.

Committee explained they consider at the moment that operating under SC had advantages including allowing racers to earn BC points.

Committee confirmed they would go with another organisation such as TLI if they considered it would be best for SCX but the current format under SC is currently considered best.

Fiona Walker was asked to take away an action point to find out of SC would accommodate a SCX series without kids races taking palace in same event as adult series just to clarify if it was possible under SC.

Fiona also asked to clarify if non-series races get same BC points as a series race.

SCX aspirations for the future:

An attendee explained that he wanted the sport to grow but also wanted SCX to feel the same fun at events.

The Committee explained that the current race venues and organisers have achieved so much over the last few seasons that we are now close to a point where the existing venues and organisers just can’t grow very much bigger because of maximum numbers venues can handle.

SCX want to encourage new organisers and venues. It is expected that they would demonstrate success with at least one non-series event before being considered to join SCX series.

SCX committee currently offer advice and support to Organisers.

An attendee suggested that clubs might be encouraged to pool resources and put on new events.

An attendee suggested SCX ask SC to encourage clubs to put on CX events – one in each of the new regions for example. Fiona confirmed SC are already doing a lot of work in developing CX including with recent successful Youth and Women’s coaching events plus several go cross events and that it can be hard trying to force clubs to hold CX races when they are perhaps not familiar with the format.

SCX explained that organisers often struggle to get enough volunteers to cover the officials jobs at a CX event. It was suggested that more could be done to encourage racers to take a turn and help out as volunteers.

SCX want to know what racers value most and what direction they want the sport in Scotland to go. Use of an online survey was suggested. For consideration by the committee.

Other Business:

Champions jersey was discussed. The committee explained the problems associated with this include cost of having jerseys printed with riders/team/club sponsors logos and the number of categories required. Also, as the champs is officially an SC race it should be up to them. No further action at this time.

One attendee requested publishing separate V60 results – no request for a separate prize-giving. Mark Young said this was possible and agreed to take that forward.

One attendee suggested SCX should consider expanding its equipment inventory (eg. Clocks, banners etc) in order to help organisers and to enhance the feel or the event by making it more slick. The committee welcomed this suggestion confirming that they are keen to help organisers and want to help encourage local communities to come along to spectate. A good looking event would help with that. Funds/storage and transportation barriers were discussed but suggestions of free storage and suggestions of grant money were made. For consideration by the committee.

A suggestion of having a SCX race/event group under the SCX Committee was made. That group would be focussed on helping organisers put on a successful event. Committee indicated that although the committee is all volunteers, they do already work with organisers. Setting up a separate sub-committee seemed a bit out of scope at the moment but they would be happy to continue to working closely with organisers.

Deeside Thistle are about to give donation to Braemar Mountain Rescue Team.


Phil Glennie of Braemar Mountain Rescue Team for fast action and excellent care at Knockburn Loch.
Volunteers, landowners and racers who helped out at races.
Jim Cameron for all his poster work.
The sponsors for their sponsorship of the series.
Jammy for his ongoing work at every event.
All the committee were thanked for their work throughout the year

Committee’s closing remarks:
Everyone was thanked for traveling and attending


Thanks Glasgow United Cycling Club


Rouken Glen CX - Results