SCX Chair's report to the AGM


Storm Ciara kept Davie Graham quarantined on Mullorca, but below is his Chair’s report to the AGM. Details of the rest of the meeting are in the AGM Minutes.

Chair’s Report for SCX AGM 9th February 2020

Good afternoon everyone.

I'd like to thank Howard for agreeing to Chair this AGM in my absence. 

Whilst I'm on the subject of thanking I'd like to take this opportunity to thank two people who have done so much for cyclocross in Scotland over the last two decades. Jac and Jammy.

Jac has been part of the committee since day one and has worked tirelessly to help promote cyclocross over the years and has given so much time and effort into the association.

Jammy's contributions have been much more visible, tirelessly turning up most weekends to commentate on our events all over the country, adding to the atmosphere and making people very welcome. So thank you to you both again and we’ll hopefully still meet up at races.

To get on to the racing, this season was a bit of a rush getting organised, and we have hopefully learned lessons from this. Next seasons race calendar should be sorted by the end of April.  We are planning to avoid clashing with the Northern National Trophy events so that we can continue to encourage racers to test themselves against Britain’s best. On that subject, it's been great to see so many racers who have started in Scottish Cyclocross now well kent faces on both the British and World stages.

Looking forward, I feel that we have a good solid committee, however we aren't representative of the racers and could do with a woman to join to broaden our perspective.

In 2021 the world masters is coming to Ipswich and I am hoping that we can send a large contingent down to it as well as try and organise our series and champs to compliment this event and those wanting to participate.

I would also like to thank Scottish Cycling’s contributions to this series, Morven has been very supportive and encouraging, much appreciated. It is also good to see Scottish Cycling coaches helping to set up new events and encourage new people to the sport. Their input into the training of commissaires and coaching staff has helped the series events become more professional and has given the youths a solid grounding to progress at home and abroad.

As ever Mark Young's input to the series has helped turned rides in the park into professional events with results within minutes of the races finishing.

I'll finish with a huge thank you to all the event organisers, volunteers, officials and of course to all the racers who have toured the country in pursuit of mud week in and week out. I believe we are in a good place and am looking forward to getting between the tapes again already. As always, if anyone wants to discuss cyclocross feel free to get in touch with either myself or Bert Wallens.


Youth and Junior Cluster Coaching Sessions


SCX Series Results